
I Am AI aka The aliens might be in a reading mood


We're joined by the incredible talent that is Ai Jiang and talk about their projects both released and upcoming, whether AI will take over the world, and if the apocalypse can come before we've written the books we want to write. We also get a snippet of I Am AI and talk about using horror as a way to discuss grief.


The Abrum Files aka Grilled cheese with only cheese


We're joined by the awesome Beau Johnson to discuss facial recognition skills, reading as a family activity, and his latest release The Abrum Files. We also talk about time travel, tackling heavy topics through a variety of mediums, and rawness in writing certain genres.


Everybody Knows aka McCarthy's VIP room


We're joined by the phenomenal talent that is award-winning author Jordan Harper to talk about Everybody Knows, late stage capitalism, horseshoe theory, and universal guilt. We also discuss his other works She Rides Shotgun, and The Last King of California, his past experience in music journalism, and Western society being a catalyst for noir stories.


"The One Percent" Anthology AKA For a billionaire's MMA instructor ft. the RHP crew


Our audio recording of our crowdcast with the crew from the fantastic mag Rock and a Hard Place celebrating the release of their anthology The One Percent: Tales of the Super Wealthy and Depraved


Featuring the editors:

Roger Nokes

Jay Butkowski

Albert Tucher

Paul J. Garth

R.D. Sullivan

and Rob D. Smith

And writers:

James D.F. Hannah

Curtis Ippolito

Scott Von Doviak

and C.W. Blackwell.



Smoke Kings aka Just a simple 5 minute conversation


We're joined by the fantastic Jahmal Mayfield to discuss his incredible debut novel Smoke Kings, as well as the beauty of rom coms and Japanese philosophers.

We also get a sneak preview of Smoke Kings and discuss tunnel vision in looking at political/socio-economic issues, and having honest conversations through a fictional lens.


A Bright and Beautiful Eternal World aka Wonka's OSHA inspection


We're joined by HWA NY chapter coordinator James Chambers and discuss his body of work, using horror as a way to process the world, and Lovecraftian writing in contemporary settings. We also get a sneak preview of his collection A Bright and Beautiful Eternal World and collectively wonder at how certain stories find their place in the children's section.



Dark Waters

A dark-fiction podcast