
Jesse Hilson


Jesse Hilson is a writer and comics artist living in the Catskills in New York State. His writing has appeared, or will appear, in AZURE, Maudlin House, Pink Plastic House, Pulp Modern, Punk Noir, Misery Tourism, ExPat Press, Murderous Ink Press, Orchid's Lantern, Zin Daily, and elsewhere. His comics have been published or will be published in Misery Tourism, Bear Creek Gazette, and Excuse Me Mag. Two books of his will be published in 2022: BLOOD TRIP, a novel, from Close to the Bone, and HANDCUFFING THE VENUS DE MILO, a poetry chapbook, from The Sparrow's Trombone.

Find him on Twitter and his Website.

Buy Blood Trip here.

Jesse Hilson
Jesse Hilson

Dark Waters

A dark-fiction podcast